Hosting departments are responsible to provide support to help your visiting scholar or research student have a successful exchange program at UConn.
Departments must:
- Provide opportunities for cross-cultural interaction
- Provide direct supervision to your exchange visitor. If the faculty host will be on sabbatical, they must arrange for the exchange visitor to be supervised/hosted by another faculty member while you are away.
- Provide the visitor with resources for housing and transportation, and ensure that the visitor has secured adequate housing prior to arrival. Hosting departments may request housing on behalf of eligible visiting scholars at
- Arrange for a NetID and University email address for your visitor.
- Ensure UConn paid J-1 Scholars complete the Foreign National Information Form with Payroll.
- Communicate all changes in the visitor’s program to ISSS, including delayed arrivals, early departures, program Core-CT Resource Page | UConn Employee Self Service Portal, scholar conduct, scholar health/wellness concerns, and any incidents that could bring the University or U.S. Department of State into disrepute.
- Allow time for ISSS Check In and Orientation as part of your visitor’s schedule upon arrival.
- Faculty hosts must provide requested information on exchange visitor activity and cultural exchange for the ISSS Annual Department Report.
- Become familiar with the rules and requirements for J-1 Exchange Visitors.