
New Presidential Proclamation Issued

On Friday, May 29, President Trump published a Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry as Nonimmigrants of Certain Students and Researchers from the People’s Republic of China. This proclamation goes into effect at noon EST on June 1 and will remain in effect until terminated by the President. ISSS wants you to know that we are following this development and can provide you with the following limited information at this time.

What we know:

This proclamation intends to restrict the entry to the United States of students and exchange visitors for study or research if they have connections to any institution that supports China’s “military-civil fusion strategy”, defined as a national of the PRC seeking entry as an F or J visa holder to study or research, and  who either receives funding from or who currently is employed by, studies at, or conducts research at or on behalf of, or has been employed by, studied at, or conducted research at or on behalf of, an entity in the PRC that implements or supports the PRC’s “military-civil fusion strategy”.

This proclamation does not apply to students coming for undergraduate study, to those who are studying or conducting research in a field “involving information that would not contribute to the PRC’s military-civil fusion strategy”,  permanent residents of the United States, to someone who is the spouse of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, and limited other exception categories.

The proclamation keeps open the possibility for other future changes.  It directs appropriate government agencies to consider revoking  the visas of PRC nationals who meet the identified criteria, and are currently located in the United States, to review in the next 60 days other nonimmigrant and immigrant visa programs to assess whether measures should be taken to protect access to sensitive technologies and intellectual property, and for government agencies to consider issuing updated regulations and guidance to implement the new provisions.

What we don’t know:

We do not know a lot about how the order will impact you, the students and researchers.  For example, the proclamation does not tell us how individuals will be identified as meeting the identified criteria, how that identification will be flagged, or which institutions are considered to support the PRC’s military-civil infusion strategy. We do not know which fields of study in the U.S. will be considered “OK”, or whether students/exchange visitors whose visas are revoked while inside the U.S. will need to leave the country. The proclamation leaves much of the details to still be worked out among the various government agencies who will need to implement the order.

Next Steps:

ISSS will keep international students up to date on the details of this order, and let you know what we can once more information is available. We plan to have a webinar in the coming weeks to address your questions and concerns. While at this time we do not have any specific recommendations for students regarding travel, graduate students and exchange visitors who were considering to travel outside the U.S. may need  to consider this proclamation when determining your plans, especially if you study or research in a field that potentially involves sensitive technologies.

Thank you, and we hope to have more information for you soon.

UConn SHaW Provides Support Group for International Students

Do you feel stressed about the COVID-19 situation? Do you feel lonely when you maintain social distancing? Join our international students support group! The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected many people’s life, especially international students. The Student Health and Wellness-Mental Health office is here to support! We are offering a support group for all UConn international students who reside in U.S. during this period of global pandemic, where you can express your concerns, connect with others, and support your peers!

The support group will be conducted through WebEx on Friday, 6/5, at 1 pm for one hour. Please sign up through the relevant WebEx registration links below if you are interested. Please spread the word and join us!

If you have any questions, please contact SHaW-MH at 860-486-4705 or email Dr. Song at

Sign up: International Students Support Group in English:


觉得压力山大吗? 觉得孤单吗?加入我们的中国留学生互助小组吧!COVID-19 极大的影响了人们的生活,尤其是中国留学生。为了更好的支援中国留学生,学生心理咨询中心将为无法回国的中国留学生提供一个在线互助小组。中国留学生可以在小组里用中文表达各种顾虑,互相支持,互相帮助。

互助小组时间为65日周五下午2 点到3 点。如有兴趣,请用以下的WebEx链接注册!如果你的朋友或同学有需要,请广而告之!如有问题,请致电学生心理咨询中心860-486-4705 或邮件联系宋老师

Sign up: Chinese International Students Support Group in Chinese:

Do you need to file taxes? Watch Sprintax Workshop free online.

Do you still need to file taxes?  Watch a free Sprintax Workshop for general information about U.S. tax filing process including the forms necessary, the steps to follow and the process to file your taxes.  Sprintax is hosting a series of free workshops on nonresident alien tax filing from now until July 1st, 2020.  Read more about taxes visit:

International students and scholars can prepare their federal tax return and 8843 form online using Sprintax. This service is provided free for current UConn students and scholars, as well as recent graduates who are on post-completion OPT, or Academic Training. Sprintax can also prepare your state tax return for an extra fee. Sprintax prepares tax forms for individuals who are nonresident aliens for tax purposes. The software will have you complete a short questionnaire to determine whether you qualify to use the service. You will need to request an access code from ISSS that you will enter at “Checkout” to obtain your federal tax preparation at no cost. Email and provide your full name and Peoplesoft number if you would like to request an access code and a link to the Sprintax portal.

International students may prepare their own tax returns or seek other options to file their tax returns. The IRS webpage lists options for filing tax returns.

Sprintax Student Webinar Schedule and Registration Details

Webinar 1: Thursday, April 30th @ 12pm EST

Please register for Sprintax Open Webinar on Apr 30, 2020 12:00 PM EDT at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar®  Webinars Made Easy®


Webinar 2:  Wednesday, May 13 @ 12pm EST

Please register for Sprintax Open Webinar 2 on May 13, 2020 12:00 PM EDT at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar® Webinars Made Easy®


Webinar 3:  Wednesday, May 27th @ 1pm EST

Please register for Sprintax Open Webinar 3 on May 27, 2020 1:00 PM EDT at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar® Webinars Made Easy®


Webinar 4:  Thursday, June 11th @ 11am EST

Please register for Sprintax Open Webinar 4 on Jun 11, 2020 11:00 AM EDT at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar® Webinars Made Easy®


Webinar 5:  Wednesday, July 1st @ 12pm EST

Please register for Sprintax Open Webinar 5 on Jul 1, 2020 12:00 PM EDT at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

For Faculty: Online Instruction and International Students

ISSS would like to share some tips for working with international students through online learning. These tips were shared by Jodi Simek, International Student and Scholars, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and the Global Ambassadors at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, with added suggestions offered by current UConn international students from the ISSS Student Advisory Board and CETL. 


Tips for Online Instruction with International Students Due to COVID-19 

While international students are required to take a certain number of in-person courses, the federal authorities are allowing institutions a temporary change in mode of instruction due to COVID-19.   This means that you may have international students taking your class from UConn residence halls and the local community, other parts of the United States, or from their home country. Below are a few thoughts compiled from international students to help you prepare for online instruction:

  1. International students who went home would rather be in your class.  Their families, governments, or exchange programs are recalling them. They are experiencing culture shock and returning to a home very different than the one they left.  For many, it is a dream cut short.
  2. They may be in forced home or governmental quarantine for a period of time where they may not have access to the internet.
  3. They may be joining your course or advising appointments in the middle of the night, where they may share space with family who are sleeping.  Consider being as flexible as possible with assessments and their timely administration for international students, recording your synchronous class sessions so that students can view the content in their local time and refer back to the content for additional review. If instructors are considering holding tests at multiple times, we have found that 8 am EST works well for many other time zones.
  4. If the mode of instruction will increase spontaneous written response in online discussion, they may be writing with an accent without the opportunity to check their own writing.  As we typically allow people to speak with an accent, consider that in spontaneous writing. Similarly, if you have time, please consider close captioning your recorded lectures. CETL offers workshops on how to do this using Kaltura machine-generated captioning and additional information can be found at  Research suggests closed captioning enhances retention for all students including ESL students. 
  5. Some websites are not readily available in China but may be accessed through VPN, such as google products, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.  WeChat works. We have told students that they need to anticipate these challenges, but they may reach out to you about their concerns and technology limitations for their courses. 
  6. Students who are graduate assistants are still fulfilling their GA duties remotely. It is really challenging to balance this along with online courses. Added to this mental stress, students are considering that their summer plans to travel or visit family will not be possible if the pandemic persists worldwide. Once this is all over, many students will appreciate a break to get away or see their families.  
  7. Students appreciate having extra study guides to supplement the course content, especially for content-heavy courses. This is especially helpful for students who cannot participate in online office-hours due to time differences.
  8. The students are anxious. There is a lot of pressure on them to do well. We continuously remind them to reach out to you to talk about their concerns and limitations, and they really appreciate faculty checking in on them to see if they need anything or have any questions.

A Letter to the UConn Community

To:  A Letter to the UConn Community


From: Asian American Cultural Center, African American Cultural Center, Rainbow Center, Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center, Women’s Center, Native American Cultural Programs, Asian and Asian American Studies Institute, El Instituto, Africana Studies Institute, Human Rights Institute, Dodd Center, Center for Judaic Studies, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, American Studies Program, International Student & Scholar Services, and Office for Diversity and Inclusion

As the concerns about the COVID-19 virus rapidly increase on a daily basis, we want to acknowledge how this pandemic is impacting members of our community differently.

  • There has been a rise of incidents of anti-Asian racism in our local community, our state, our nation and worldwide. Asian and Asian Americans have been subjected to verbal and physical attacks, cyberbullying, discrimination against their businesses, and xenophobic portrayals.  We would like to firmly state that such acts of hate will not be tolerated in our community. Such acts only further perpetuate the cycle of violence and fuel white supremacy. We encourage those who have experienced bias of any kind to report the incidents at
  • Going home is not safe for everyone.  For some family, partners, and/or guardians may be abusive.  For support around gender-based violence, please visit the Title IX website at  
  • Going home is not an option for everyone.  Many of our International students are facing travel restrictions that preclude them from leaving and/or returning to the US.  We encourage you to participate in the University’s Town Hall on April 14th to share your concerns and suggestions.
  • We would like to acknowledge that many folx may be isolated from supportive networks during this time of physical distancing. For many LGBTQIA+ students, returning home may have required concealing one’s true identity in order to survive in a space with family members/others who are not affirming/safe.  Connecting to positive resources, people, organizations, and leaders at this time can be helpful.  Visit the Cultural Centers’ websites to learn about the different opportunities for support available to you.
  • As the concerns about the COVID-19 virus keeps rapidly changing, more and more anti-immigrant sentiment keeps also growing. Unfortunately, a political narrative of a “foreign threat” has accompanied information about the spread of the virus. This anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic speech is wrong and dangerous. The political environment of the pandemic has given rise to hateful conspiracy theories and disinformation meant to scapegoat Asians and Jews, along with Israel and China internationally.  We stand in solidarity with our international students, our Asian American students, our undocumented and DACAmented students. In particular, we acknowledge our undocumented and DACAmented students who continue to face the threat of deportation while negotiating the constraints of the pandemic. As if these conditions were not difficult enough, the Supreme Court is poised to rule on the DACA case in the upcoming months, putting additional strain on our DACAmented friends, peers, and family members.

Additionally reports can be made to the following websites:

OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates – Hate Incident Reporting

Asian Americans Advancing Justice

Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council – Stop AAPI Hate

Southern Law Poverty Center Reporting


Students have shared with us how vulnerable and targeted they are feeling.  We are aware that many of our students are facing unemployment, limited access to health care, and other hardships.  We also understand that these experiences, coupled with isolation, may manifest in mental health related concerns as well.

We would like you all to know that you do not need to navigate these difficult times alone and that we will stand and work with you to get through this together.  If you find yourself feeling disconnected or not supported in your current living arrangements, please reach out to us.

You all are citizens of UConnNation, and in this nation, we do not discriminate, we do not use a narrative of hate, we are citizens that stand in solidarity with one another.  Now is the time for us to be safe, be compassionate and empathetic towards each other, particularly those who have been affected by the COVID-19 virus and be engaged citizens. We would like to remind each and every individual that they are valued and needed in this world.

The Cultural Centers staff are available to discuss any COVID-19 concerns you may have.

Asian American Cultural Center Website

African American Cultural Center Website

Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center Website

Rainbow Center Website

Women’s Center Website

On-campus resources and updated information about the COVID-19 virus, can be found  at

For more information, contact: PRLACC at

Did you receive mail from Census 2020?

U.S. Census 2020 Started March 12, 2020

The U.S. Census 2020 will take place starting March 12, 2020 and it is critical that everyone participate.  The 2020 Census is a count of all people living in the U.S. All persons living in the U.S. on April 1, 2020 need to participate in the U.S. Census even if you are not a U.S. citizen.

Census results help determine how many lawmakers each state can send to congress and how much federal funding each community receives, so it is important that all people are counted.

census image

What to do:

If you live in a UConn Residence Hall: You may not need to do anything and the university will report all students living on campus to the census.

If you live off-campus in an apartment/house: You will receive mail from the U.S. Census between March 12 – March 20 with instructions on how to respond to the census online.  Check your mailbox!  If you have roommates, one person should fill out the census for the whole apartment (list total number of people in apartment).

The census will mail information March 12 – March 20 and they will send reminder letters weekly until you respond.  If you do not respond to the census by April 27 a census employee may visit your apartment.  Some apartment complexes may invite census workers to set up in a common room to make it easier for residents to fill out the census in person instead of online.  This is called Mobile Questionnaire Assistance.


The census will be conducted in English or 12 non-English languages and has guides in 59 non-English languages. The census consists of only nine questions and citizenship or immigration status is not collected.


Census information is private and will not be shared even with other government agencies.  The Census will never ask for your Social Security Number, bank account information or money. The census has information and a phone number you can call if you suspect that someone is impersonating the census in a fraud or scam.

Visit for more information.

U.S. Visa Services Suspended Worldwide

The U.S. Department of State announced through its social media yesterday that as of March 18, routine immigrant and nonimmigrant visa appointments will be cancelled worldwide as part of a general temporary suspension of visa services during this time of global travel warnings. You must check the status of visa services at individual embassies/consular posts.

In response to worldwide challenges related to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Department of State is suspending routine visa services in most countries worldwide. Embassies and consulates in these countries will cancel all routine immigrant and nonimmigrant visa appointments as of March 18, 2020. These embassies and consulates will resume routine visa services as soon as possible, but we are unable to provide a specific date at this time. Check the website of the embassy or consulate for its current operating status:

Services to U.S. citizens will continue at U.S. embassies and consulates overseas, but the availability of these services may be limited. Check the website of an individual embassy or consulate to determine their operating status and find emergency contact information.

ISSS will continue to issue I-20/DS-2019 forms for new students and exchange visitors who will begin fall programs, and issue travel signatures for continuing students and scholars who will need to renew visas before returning. Your forms will be mailed to you after normal ISSS operations resume, and in time for your scheduled visa appointment. If you already had a visa appointment scheduled, it is my understanding that you will receive an email notifying you of the appointment cancellation.  When visa services resume, you will need to reschedule your appointment and notify ISSS of the date. We hope that this suspension of U.S. visa services will be short, and that services will resume soon.

Additionally, the U.S. Department of State is maintaining a list of Covid-19 information, travel/entry restrictions and resources by country. If you are considering a U.S. departure, this resource may be helpful to learn of current conditions and requirements in your destination country.

Thank you, and please let ISSS know if you have questions about how this news applies to your individual travel situation.

Update to ISSS Operations

International Student and Scholar Services is now providing nearly 100% of services remotely. During this temporary change, we strive to meet your international advising needs and we thank you for your flexibility. Please read for important changes to our application processing and advising services, including remote advising, travel signatures, I-20/DS-2019 forms for new students, and other applications. Remember that all UConn international students, visiting scholars and OPT participants must complete the Remote Learning – ISSS Check In form during this time, and re-submit if your information changes.  


Remote Advising

ISSS will offer chat-advising through Office 365 weekday afternoons between 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm.  ISSS advisors will be available on the following schedule:  

Monday:              Sarah Manning, Lulu Dong   

Tuesday:              Neena Kapoor, Rae Alexander   

Wednesday:      Jennifer King, Arthur Galinat   

Thursday:            Leslie Lawrence, Amina Kader  

Friday:                  Annie Casarella, Nadine Boudissa

  • Go to 
  • Click on Launch Office 365 (on right side).
  • Use your UConn email and password to login. 
  • Click on Microsoft Teams.
  • Once in Teams, click on the Chat icon on the left.
  • Click on the new chat icon at the top of the screen (looks like a pen on a paper).
  • In the new chat window type the name of the ISSS Advisor on duty for the day you are chatting and type your message.  Be sure to include your full name and UConn student ID# to assist us.  Please be aware there may be many other students chatting at the same time and it may take several minutes to get a response.You are not required to contact your normally assigned advisor. Temporary changes to the advising schedule will be posted on the ISSS website.  If you need to schedule an appointment to chat with your advisor through Microsoft Teams outside of the scheduled hours, send your advisor an email with this request.  


Travel Signatures -Travel Outside the U.S. 

  • Students and scholars who will depart the U.S. before normal operations resume should submit the Travel Information Record following these instructions and depart without getting the travel signature on the I-20/DS-2019
  • We will temporarily waive the requirement to submit a full time enrollment verification. 
  • If you do not have a valid travel signature on your current I-20 for return, you can select the option “I am traveling due to COVID-19 outbreak and I need ISSS to reprint my I-20″. 
  • We will track your return date to the U.S. (listed on the travel information record) to ensure that your I-20/DS-2019 can be mailed to you before you return. 
  • When normal operations resume, ISSS will send you an email asking you to select a shipping method and pay for express, international shipping to your address outside the U.S. This way you will have the I-20/DS-2019 for your return.


Initial I-20s/DS-2019s 

  • ISSS will continue to issue initial I-20 forms for new students and initial DS-2019 forms for new exchange visitors. 
  • Once complete, we will email you the information from your form (SEVIS ID and School Code or Program Number) so that you can fill out your DS-160 visa application form and schedule your visa appointment at the U.S. embassy or consulate. 
  • Please note that some U.S. embassies/consulates are not currently taking visa appointments. You should check the website for the U.S. embassy/consulate in your country every few days to see if appointments have opened up. 
  • When you confirm your visa appointment date, send an email to the person who sent you your pre-arrival email, OR . This way we can mail your form to you in time for your visa appointment. 


OPT/STEM OPT Applications 

  • ISSS will continue to process applications for F-1 OPT and STEM OPT. 
  • Your advisor will send you an email with advising documents related to your application once your OPT has been processed by ISSS in SEVIS. 
  • Your updated I-20 that you will need to mail your application will likely be printed several days later. When printed, you will receive an email when your I-20 form is printed asking you to confirm the shipping method and address. 
  • Once you have your I-20 and other required documents for your application, you will be able to mail your application. 


All other applications 

  • ISSS will continue to process all other applications. Please submit your applications through the TDS portal and they will be handled by an ISSS advisor or international services specialist. 
  • ISSS will determine if the printing of your document must be completed now, or can wait until normal operations resume. We anticipate that the majority of documents will be printed later. 
  • You will receive an email from ISSS after your document has been printed. You will be able to view and download an unsigned version of your updated I-20/DS-2019 through the ISSS Portal. 


Phone Calls  

  • If you would like to make a phone appointment with your ISSS advisor, please email them to set up an appointment.They will call you at the scheduled time (U.S. numbers).
  • The front desk phone line 860-486-3855 will be monitored during business hours, 9 am-5pm. If your phone call is not answered, leave a message with your name, UConn student ID number, U.S. phone number and/or email address.  Please speak slowly and clearly. If you have already sent an email to or to your advisor, please wait at least two days for a response.